Week of Events
Pirke Avot: The Ethics of the Sages
Pirke Avot: The Ethics of the Sages
Many of us are familiar with Pirkei Avot, or at least some of its most famous aphorisms. For example: “Who is wise? Those who learn from everyone.” “If I am not for myself, who will be for me?” And: “It is not up to you to finish the work, but neither are you free to […]
Morning Minyan
Morning Minyan
Join your fellow JCOH congregants for a lay-led Morning Minyan. Daven for 15 minutes and talk Torah. In-Person & Virtual Photo ID is required for entrance to Jewish Center of the Hamptons. All in-person services are reserved for members and their pre-registered guests.
Shabbat Morning Service
Shabbat Morning Service
Each week we are given the sacred gift of Shabbat. Join us as we welcome Shabbat with song and prayer. In-person & Virtual Photo ID is required for entrance to Jewish Center of the Hamptons. All in-person services are reserved for members and their pre-registered guests.
Torah Study
Torah Study
Dive deep into the weekly Torah portion. Come for just one, or come for every one, each week we begin anew in our study of Torah through an array of perspective, commentaries, and opinion. In-person & Virtual Photo ID is required for entrance to Jewish Center of the Hamptons. All in-person services are reserved for […]